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C d a b c 21 b c a d In Exercises 22Ð24 draw the graph represented by the given adjacency matrix 22!Jan 28,  · So, the following conditions are true b, c ∈ N ie both b & c are natural numbers b = c2 We need to prove both these conditions for (a, c) 1 Given a, b & b, c ∈ N, Hence a, c ∈ N 2 If a = b2, & b = c2 , then a = c2 is not always true Since both the conditions are not true Hence, (a, c) ∉ R So, the given statement is False Show MoreOct 01, 12 · = P(A) P(B) P P(A^B) P(A^C) P(B^C) P(A^B^C) You may have noticed that you find the probability by adding the probabilities of the individual events, then taking away the probabilities of each combination of two events, and finally adding the probability for all three to happen This pattern is called the inclusionexclusion Arithmetic Sequences And Series 1 C.e.r.b number