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12 *p302Xa* SECTION D Researchbased Essay 4 Write an essay in Chinese of characters on ONE of the following 14 topics from the plan you have prepared z Make sure to give your essay an appropriate title z Give a list of sources you have used (sources consulted or cited must be referenced at the end ofD 45 3 è*!Find your friends on Facebook Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you
T a S a W a R a ÙTitle 令和3年度 給付奨学金(家計急変採用)の支援区分見直しに係るスケジュール Author JASSO Created Date 713 PM4 V 0 æ
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L h { This assessment for Information Originators looks at basic concepts of BIM authoring and knowledge of the DPSM (Digital Production Standards anual), for firms using Autodesk Revit Topics include Purpose, Documents, Coordinates, Parameters, Validation, Model Types, File Naming, Layer Naming and Drawing Coordination )= =uµu ´L v b \ K r M ^ >
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Whenever possible, have the person who is sick stay in their own sick room or area away from others If possible, have them use a separate bathroom If you have to share a space, make sure the area has good air flow Open windows and turn on a fan The sick person should wear a mask around others The mask needs to cover their mouth and nose WearÔe Ä ÀÅ{ Ä»Y{Y ÁC e q r I j a g d I f M I â
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